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Hop in, to the past we go

Welcome to the first iteration of The Internet Time Machine. 8 stories that built pop culture hit by hit.

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We didn’t build a time machine. But we created something damn close to it.

Welcome to Season 1, brought to you by Parlour.

We want this Season to be as special for you as it is for us. That’s because we’re breaking down some of pop culture's biggest moments in history. Moments that have been forgotten. Like Madonna’s rise to fame. Global Festivals that made impacts on the ones you’re familiar with. Surf culture in the 70s and 80s that shaped future sports.

Pop culture is engrained in us whether we realize it or not. Because life moves so fast these days, we don’t have the time to sit back and be present for what’s happening around us.

Season 1 will give you that butterfly feeling inside. Like a part of something bigger. Our goal is to unearth pop culture's greatest hits so you have a chance to celebrate those moments.

So thank you for joining us.

We won’t tell you too much more about what stories we’ll retell. That’s for you to subscribe and find out.

See you soon.

- Alec & Shaan